more about music class
CurriculumStay invovled!
Music (and the other arts too!) can help children to process and better understand their emotions and the world around them! Music is great opportunity to sing, listen, and explore a world bigger than their own. Check out the latest updates from the classroom in our music newsletter.
What Are We Learning?
Music Curriculum
Every week we explore and experience music in so many fun an exciting ways!
~We CREATE by moving, composing and improvising.
~We PERFORM by singing and playing instruments.
~We RESPOND by moving, discussing, analyzing, and evaluating.
~We CONNECT to our own lives, environment, cultures, and history.
Check out the Maryland Music Standards for more information!
Arts Integration
Arts integration are lessons that combine common core standards with music standards. Classroom teachers and encore teachers work collaboratively to provide students with meaningful learning experiences, incorporating a blend of both content. Lessons are exciting and engaging, providing more opportunities for reaching all students as content is presented in a new and different way.
All students will receive arts integration instruction in addition to their ‘regular’ music class instruction.
Your child will receive grades for each of the music process standards (create, perform, respond, connect) as well as learner behaviors. Please check your child’s grade-book for specific skill-based grades which are then compiled on the report card in marking period 2 and 4. See Fountaindale’s Performance Level Descriptors for an explanation of each of the numbers (1-beginning, 2-developing, 3-secure, 4-exceeding).
Your child will have general music instruction once a week for 50 minutes.
All students will also receive arts integrated instruction on rotation throughout the school year.
What We Do:
-Students experience music through singing, listening, moving, and playing! We use a variety of ways of learning content to reach all learners!
-Ask your child to sing our hello song, teach you one of our musical warm ups, or sing a favorite song from class!
-3rd and 4th graders will learn the recorder and 5th grade will have the opportunity to learn ukulele!
Extra Opportunities
-Students in 4th and 5th grade have the option of participating in Pizazz- a select group of singers and dancers.
-We also have a tremendous instrumental music program taught by Ms. Jones for students in grades 3rd-5th. 3rd graders explore instruments from each of the four families and then in 4th and 5th grade they choose one to learn to play!